On this page, you’ll find stories about how working with King's Council has helped thousands of people to exponentially grow their businesses, network and relationship with God.

King's Council is proud to equip entrepreneurs with the tools, systems, and frameworks necessary to discover, develop & deploy their God given vision into the marketplace.


On this page, you’ll find stories about how working with King's Council has helped thousands of people to exponentially grow their businesses, network and relationship with God.

King's Council is proud to equip entrepreneurs with the tools, systems, and frameworks necessary to discover, develop & deploy their God given vision into the marketplace.

"King's Council has been a community of people who always led me back to truth. We always relied on Biblical principles, and bringing that into business."

Noah Barr

"This is a great community. You need to be here. If you're ready to burn your W2, this is the community & place to be."

John Clark

"The experience with King's Council has been life changing. We're in a very different spot then we were 2 years ago when we joined."

Joe & Monica Schiraldo

"King's Council... is like a real family. It's pushing hard in business AND in God Time, not just one or the other. "

Aaron Jennings

"Prior to King's Council I almost lost everything. Now I'm the happiest I've ever been... 2 years sober, baby on the way, business is growing, I'm God centered."

Henry Ware

"King's Council has been eye opening, heart opening, and a tremendous experience of a community of believers that are using entrepreneurship and the business field as the mission field. Get in and join us."

Scott Shortmeyer

"If you're looking to go to the next level in your business, ministry or whatever it is you're leading... if you're a Kingdom Entrepreneur and you want to go big with what God has called you to do, you have to join King's Council."

Josh Dominguez

"King's Council is fellowship amongst entrepreneurs, which is missing in this country right now. "

Jared Tjaden

"I'm able to step into my potential in an environment that allows me to discover, develop and deploy the God given ability I have to provide value in the marketplace, change lives, and most importantly to love on people the way Christ would."

John Jeff Brooks

"The trajectory of my business is looking like an actual business, and not just a hobby. I'm learning the foundations and fundamentals of what a business should look like. "

Tabatha Perry

"My life financially changed big time since I joined. The mindset pillar of mental grit has transformed a lot this last year."

Jonathan Bocinski

"King's Council has been a community of people who always led me back to truth. We always relied on Biblical principles, and bringing that into business."

Noah Barr

"This is a great community. You need to be here. If you're ready to burn your W2, this is the community & place to be."

John Clark

"The experience with King's Council has been life changing. We're in a very different spot then we were 2 years ago when we joined."

Joe & Monica Schiraldo

"King's Council... is like a real family. It's pushing hard in business AND in God Time, not just one or the other. "

Aaron Jennings

"Prior to King's Council I almost lost everything. Now I'm the happiest I've ever been... 2 years sober, baby on the way, business is growing, I'm God centered."

Henry Ware

"King's Council has been eye opening, heart opening, and a tremendous experience of a community of believers that are using entrepreneurship and the business field as the mission field. Get in and join us."

Scott Shortmeyer

"If you're looking to go to the next level in your business, ministry or whatever it is you're leading... if you're a Kingdom Entrepreneur and you want to go big with what God has called you to do, you have to join King's Council."

Josh Dominguez

"King's Council is fellowship amongst entrepreneurs, which is missing in this country right now. "

Jared Tjaden

"I'm able to step into my potential in an environment that allows me to discover, develop and deploy the God given ability I have to provide value in the marketplace, change lives, and most importantly to love on people the way Christ would."

John Jeff Brooks

"My life has changed dramatically since joining King's Council. I met the people at KK and was immediately like 'I want to be around these people, I want to be like these people. They're legit.'"

Tabatha Perry

"My life financially changed big time since I joined. The mindset pillar of mental grit has transformed a lot this last year."

Jonathan Bocinski

HQ: 5101 E University Dr Ste 601 Denton, TX 76208

Text (888) 316-9012